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Article: The presence of Compsocerops (Brachyopoidea: Chigutisauridae) (Late Triassic) in southern Brazil with comments on chigutisaurid palaeobiogeography

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 55
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 2012
Page(s): 163 172
Author(s): <p>S&eacute;rgio Dias-Da-Silva, Dhurjati P. Sengupta, S&eacute;rgio F. Cabreira and L&uacute;cio R. Da Silva</p>
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How to Cite

DIAS-DA-SILVA, S., SENGUPTA, D. P., CABREIRA, S. F., SILVA, L. R. 2012. The presence of Compsocerops (Brachyopoidea: Chigutisauridae) (Late Triassic) in southern Brazil with comments on chigutisaurid palaeobiogeography. Palaeontology55, 1, 163–172.

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