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This section provides summaries of the publications produced by the Association and links to information on how to access copies and make purchases. It also provides publications related links such as information for authors intending to submit manuscripts to the Association, and links to supplementary data linked to published articles.

Field Guide to Fossils

An award winning series of well illustrated and reasonably priced pocket-sized field guidebooks which are aimed at both amateur and professional palaeontologists.

Explore the Field Guides

Publication Policy and Practice including Scope of Publications


Manuscripts on any aspect of palaeontology will be considered for publication. Papers on recent material may be acceptable if their palaeontological relevance is clear. Preference is given to topics that have more than local significance; those describing only one or two new species of common genera are not usually accepted. As noted above, reviews are welcome provided that they contain a substantial amount of new information and/or new interpretations. Those solicited by the Council of the Association will be given priority of publication, as may short papers that report novel research. Most contributions will, however, be published approximately in the order revised manuscripts are received by the Editor-in-Chief, length and possible production problems permitting.

Papers in Palaeontology

Successor to Special Papers in Palaeontology. As a sister publication to Palaeontology its focus is on descriptive research, including the descriptions of new taxa, systematic revisions of higher taxa, detailed biostratigraphical and biogeographical documentation, and descriptions of floras and faunas from specific localities or regions.

Field Guide to Fossils

Published at irregular intervals, these are designed primarily to be of value for the identification of fossils found in the British Isles, but guides to fossils encountered in successions overseas will also be considered. They should be broad in scope, and compiled and written in a style that will appeal to both amateur enthusiasts and professional palaeontologists.

Fold-Out Fossils

Published at irregular intervals, these are aimed at both professional and amateur geologists and palaeontologists who want to be able to identify particular groups of fossils in the field. The first issue, published in 2003, is a fold-out document that consists of a title page and five plates on one side and text, including a glossary of terms, on the other.