It is with the greatest pleasure and honour that we invite you officially to participate in the 9th European Conference on Echinoderms (thereafter ECE) in 2016 in Poland. This will be the first echinoderm meeting in Poland and is titled ”Echinoderms: from ossicles to the big picture”.
The purpose of 9th ECE meeting is to link all scientific disciplines related to echinoderms and everyone around the world, irrespective of academic degree or age is welcome to contribute a talk or poster or just come, listen, ask a question and be a part of the vibrant echinoderm community. During the 2016 ECE, the echinoderm alphabet will include anatomy, archaeology, aquaculture, behaviour, biology, biomineralogy, biomimetics, cell biology, biochemistry, conservation, crystallography, databases, development, diagenesis, diversity, ecology, environment, evolution, extinctions, fisheries, continuing through geochemistry, genetics, geology, geography, global changes, history of research, hydrology, ichnology, immunology, marine sciences, molecular biology, morphology and morphometrics, paleontology, physiology, polar research, radioactivity, reproduction, sedimentary record, statistics and data modelling, systematics, taphonomy, taxonomy to zoology and beyond. All living and extinct echinoderm classes are expected to be covered, with scientific sessions on more than 20 general topics, including both local and global approaches and of course, proposals for special/thematic sessions with a pre-arranged convenor are cordially welcome!
See you in Poland!