The Palaeontological Association holds regular meetings and events throughout the year. The Association’s Events Code of Conduct relates to the behaviour of all participants and attendees at all events run by the Association, and acts alongside the Code of Conduct for Members.
It is the expectation of the Palaeontological Association that meeting attendees behave in a courteous, collegial and respectful fashion to each other, volunteers, exhibitors and meeting facility staff.
Attendees should respect common sense rules for professional and personal interactions, public behaviour (including behaviour in public electronic communications), common courtesy, and respect for private property.
Demeaning, abusive, harassing or threatening behaviour, discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origins, immigration status, religion, age, marital status, parental status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic background, educational background, or disability will not be tolerated. Inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome sexual attention, including verbal or physical actions of a sexual nature towards other attendees or towards meeting volunteers, exhibitors or facilities staff and security will not be tolerated, either in personal or electronic interactions.
Respect for the intellectual property of presenters should be maintained at all times. Photographing or recording a talk without the author’s express permission is forbidden. While the default assumption is to allow open discussion of presentations on social media, attendees are expected to respect any request by an author to not disseminate the contents of their talk or poster. Questions and discussion should be constructive, respectful, and focus on data and ideas rather than individuals.
Reporting unacceptable behaviour
If you are the subject of unacceptable behaviour or have witnessed any such behaviour, you can report it (anonymously if you choose to) via the Report code of conduct violation form.
Anyone experiencing or witnessing behaviour that constitutes an immediate or serious threat to public safety, or a criminal act is expected to contact the appropriate law enforcement agency. Those witnessing a potential criminal act should also take actions necessary to maintain their own personal safety.